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Sponsoring the Breakfast Conference – KBM (2024)

Participation in KBM and sponsorship of the breakfast conference on "Investing in industrial clusters for a new growth dynamic in the DRC...

CCBCL Breakfast Conference – TIAFRICA FINANCE (2024)

TIAFRICA FINANCE participated in the breakfast conference organized by the Belgian-Congolese-Luxembourgish Chamber of...

International Women’s Rights Day (2024)

International Women's Day on March 8th is an important day in the lives of all Congolese women. For this reason, all the women of...

GROUP TIA women visit Peniel orphanage (2024)

The women of GROUP TIA visited the children of the Peniel Orphanage to have some exchanges and encourage Mr. François, who manages the...

TIAFRICA Workshop – KBM (2023)

Participation in KBM 2023 and organization of a workshop on the theme: "How to increase a company's performance by optimizing human...
Compétition de chevaux au Cercle Hippique de Lubumbashi (CHL) - GROUP TIA

Sponsorship of the horse competition at the Cercle Hippique de Lubumbashi “CHL”.

The Cercle Hippique de Lubumbashi "CHL," through Nanou De Winter, organizes national and international dressage and show jumping...